A Data Mining Approach for Parameter Optimization in Weather Prediction
More than two decades, there is a number of weather-related websites are available which approximately predict the weather and climate. By extracting essential data from the websites, a predictive data pattern can be produced to show the next day’s weather is with rain or not. By applying different types of web mining and analyzing techniques those extracted weather-related data can be visualized to a typical pattern for weather forecasting with the main deciding factors of weather. With the use of these approaches, reasonably precise forecasts can be made up to about four to five days in advance. For the weather prediction analysis, we need to discover deciding factors of the next day’s weather. Particularly, common weather dependent factors and the relationship of the prediction to the particular phenomenon. The solution proposed by this research can be used to analyze a large amount of weather data which are in different forms in each source. By using predictive mining task our solution allows us to make predictions for future instances according to the model what we have created. Evaluation measurements for the selected data mining technique such as accuracy percentage, TP & FP Rate, Precision, F-Measure, ROC area, SSE, and loglikelihood for classification and clustering leads to create a high-quality model of prediction. Knowledge flow interface provides the data flow to show the processing and analyzing data with precise association rules. In order to evaluate the model, SSE values and time to build the model, are considered in an effective manner.
Article Details
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