User-Friendly Interface Attendance System Based on Python Libraries and Deep Learning
The old methods used to manage attendance for students, employees, or even teaching staff using a paper attendance record are considered tiring methods that take time. In addition to errors and repetitions or forgetting to register attendance, even with the presence of manual fingerprinting, due to the diseases that the world has experienced in previous years, it has become undesirable for some because it is considered a means of transmitting infection. In this research, we propose a method to record attendance relying on face recognition technology with real-time video processing by using multi-layer perceptron algorithm with two of python libraries, where the camera device is accessed, a picture of the person is taken, and the image is processed and framed, comparing captured faces with images within the stored database, performing face recognition, then dealing with file operations, and managing time-related tasks. Once the desired person is found, attendance is recorded with the actual time entered into an Excel file, and the file is saved with the date of the day on which attendance was recorded. The designed system works efficiently in the real-time implementation of counting and detection, proven to combine high face-detection accuracy and performance.
Article Details
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