Publication Malpractice

The International Journal of Data Science is committed to identifying, preventing, and addressing publication malpractice in all forms. This policy supplements the journal’s ethical guidelines by specifically outlining prohibited practices and the steps the journal takes to maintain academic integrity. The journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)’s core practices to address concerns of malpractice effectively and transparently.


Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is a serious violation of academic integrity. The journal uses Turnitin as its plagiarism detection tool to screen all submissions and reject manuscripts found to include copied or unattributed material. Authors must ensure proper citation of all sources, ideas, and data that do not originate with them. A maximum of 20% similarity index is allowed without any exclusions.

Data Manipulation

Fabrication or falsification of data is strictly prohibited. All data presented in submitted manuscripts must be accurate and verifiable. Authors must provide details on the methodology and analysis to ensure reproducibility and transparency. If data-related misconduct is detected, the journal will reject the manuscript and notify relevant institutions.

Redundant or Duplicate Submissions

Authors must not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously or republish content previously published elsewhere. If duplicate submission is discovered, the manuscript will be rejected immediately, and future submissions from the same author(s) may be restricted.

AI Tools and Ethical Use

Authors are permitted to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools for tasks such as language editing, grammar checking, or formatting. However, authors must:

  • Clearly disclose the use of AI tools in the manuscript.
  • Avoid using AI to generate or fabricate data or replace critical intellectual contributions such as study design or analysis.

The journal considers undisclosed or unethical use of AI tools to be malpractice, and such cases will be investigated.

Corrections and Retractions

If malpractice is identified after publication, the journal will issue corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern as appropriate. All actions will be aligned with COPE guidelines and clearly communicated to readers.

Reporting Malpractice

The journal encourages readers, reviewers, and authors to report suspected instances of malpractice to the editorial office. Each report will be reviewed carefully, and investigations will be conducted in accordance with COPE principles.